Merry Christmas

Rules & Regulations

Rules & Regulations

Enrollment to Holy Cross High School implies on the part of the pupils and parents willingness to comply with the following requirements and regulations of the school

1. Children must be present for the assembly at 9.00 am. and join in the singing and prayers after which they will go to their respective classes accompanied by their class teacher/Subject teacher. Guardians or escorts must not accompany the children right up to the class room.

2. To be admitted to the class room, those who come late must show the class teacher their 'Regularity Record' duly countersigned by the Principal /Headmistress.

3.All children must be clean and tidy in their person, dress and manners, they must wear the full school uniform daily Children who are dirty in dress or person or without the school uniform will not permitted to sit in the class.

4. Children should always keep their work book and text books clean and well covered with brown paper and properly labeled with the child's name, class and subjects. Children are advised not to wear ornaments and carry with them costly articles and money. The school accepts no responsibility for the lost of these articles.

5 Children who have been absent for class must bring reason duly entered in Regularity Recorded stating briefty the cause of the absence/delay.

6. No pupils will be allowed to go away from school before the school gets over. In an unavoidable situation, a written application should be reach the school at the required time.

7.Absence from class for marriage feast, birthday celebrations or reasons harmful to study are strongly objected. No leave of absence is given without a previous application for itin writing from the parents/ guardians. No student will be allowed to go home alone during school hours even if one is used to without an escort

8. If any pupils is absent from the school for ten consecutive working days without any leave letter, the name is liable to be struck of the roll. Such defauiters may (f there are vacancies) be readmitted on payment of all arrears and fines plus re-admission fee.

9. Students should produce a leave note before taking leave for the school and the class teacher's action should be case of emergency, leave note should be sent through someone and the note should reach the school before the day's attendance.

10. No student will be allowed to prolong vacation, except for serious reasons and with prior permission. Non-availability of tickets is not, an acceptable reason.

11. Strict silence is to be observed at the second bell in the morning and afternoon.

12. Children must bring with them all the articles needed for the day. Guardians should not insist in the office to forward articles to children during class hours.

13. Pupils of KG-I and KG-lI should have their photos (passport size) in the identity card attested by the Principal and the same should be presented when the child is taken.

14.When the school fees are due for two continuous months,the child's name will be struck off the roll. A readmission will be required in order to continue in the roll.

15. The Principal has the right to suspend attendance or request the withdrawal of any child study request the withdrawal of any child whose application to study is not satisfactory.

16. Children, whose conduct is whose conduct is injurious to the normal  tone of the school or incompatible with strict discipline, are liable to be dismissed.

17.Any kind of damage to the property whether Or the school or its inmates must be made good.

18. Children are not allowed to buy eatables Trom the vendors at the gate. They will bring their food from home.

19. No books, periodicals, pictures or newspaper except those allowed by the school shall be brought to the school or Circulated without the permission of the Principal. Parcels and letters that come to the school are subject to inspection.

20. It is not possible for the School to take the responsibility of the students who are sick and yet send to the school from home.

21. English should be the only language spoken in the school premises.

22. It is the responsibility of each class to see at the conclusion of the class, all the windows are latched, and lights are Switched off and keep the room in neat and tidy for next day.

23. When moving through the school for different classes or any other purpose, students are to move quietly and as quickIy as possible.

24. Each pupil must possess a school calendar and school identity card which should be brought to school daily.

25. The use of drugs, alcohol or chewing betel-nut etc.,will result immediate suspension from the school and possible expulsion.

26.Late arrival to school is a breach of discipline. Students who come late habitually may be sent home.

27.Improper Dress and Hair cut fine Rs. 100.